
Rules for Action

In order to follow laws and ethics, fulfill the role of the company, and carry out our social responsibility,
we promise to establish and implement the following fundamental rules for making judgments and taking actions.

1 Transactions with Clients

We follow wholesome, fair procedures for transactions.
All transactions will be made with mutual respect and carried out fairly from a position of equal standing.
Do not try to use your superior position to get any reward or make an unreasonable request.
Contribute to the client’s benefit through fair competition in the market.
Do not engage in transactions with any company that performs criminal actions, including tax evasion, accounting fraud, and environmental pollution.

2 Conflicts of Interest

Do not do anything to treat a stakeholder unfairly in the course of work.
Do not do anything which might be a barrier to carrying out dealing with stakeholders fairly, such as borrowing money or making requests.
Do not give or receive any money or goods other than souvenirs or presents of the type that are considered typical.
Do not give or receive hosting or conveniences in excess of the level which is considered typical.
The highest level of integrity must be maintained in transactions of all kinds, and improper activities such as offering bribes, coercion, intimidation, embezzlement, etc. are strictly prohibited.

3 Protection of Company Resources

Company resources and information may not be used for personal gain.
The company’s important internal information cannot be used for your or another person’s improper gain.
Financial resources must be used efficiently, with the attitude of a diligent manager.
Company equipment, facilities, etc. may not be used for tasks not directly related to carrying out the company’s work.

4 Information Protection and Sharing

The company’s important information should be protected, and useful information should be shared.
Non-public company information and important information must be thoroughly protected.
Various technical materials, floor plans, and intellectual property received from client companies cannot be leaked or provided to third parties without the client company’s prior permission.
If you become aware of important information, you should immediately transmit it to the person who needs it for their work.
Information must not be distorted, and false information must not be shared..

5 Professional Attitude

Create an organizational culture of mutual trust and respect.
You must not do anything which causes displeasure to another person verbally, physically, or visually, including sexual harassment, which violates an individual's human rights.
You should respect individuals’ private lives and refrain from slandering or maligning another person.
We break down the walls between organizations and build an organizational atmosphere of mutual cooperation.